Each week our community gathers to celebrate, reflect, connect, learn, and be encouraged to live life on mission in the name of Christ.
Our Sunday gathering consists of worship, reading and studying scriptures, praying and the Jesus meal.
Most of us will go for lunch together afterwards.
We try not to meet on the fifth Sunday of any particular month to encourage ourselves to participate in the worship gatherings with other Christians outside of Mosaic Baptist. This is to remind ourselves that the Kingdom of God is beyond the church. The church is the called individuals gathered together to inspire and support one another while navigating towards Jesus through the messiness of life.
Our 10:00am gathering on Sundays is in Cantonese, while the 11:15am gathering is in English.
Duration of the Sunday gathering is usually one hour. It is casual yet orderly. Most of the times, we use the lectionary in reading and teaching of scriptures.
每週我們聚集一起敬拜、 反思、團契交流、 學習,並互相鼓勵如何活在基督的使命裡。
週日聚會通常是 1 小時。一切隨和但有秩序。